


Self inflicted
Bottled tomb
In a well of glass
Within a womb of lies
Offered upon a platter of past

In darkness and consumption
None/Nada took place

My platter
My me
In a stupor
Of morning disgrace

In darkness and consumption
None/Nada took place

My platter
My me
In a stupor
Of morning disgrace


For Patti

I feel beat
Will I be beat
May I be beat
As do friends I keep
Is it sanctioned
May heed be payed

Celestial ones before me
Celestial beings, celestial composer

Will I be beat
May I be Beat

Damn you/you with your etherealness
Guilt free Patti pursuer of pleasure
A path sincere

Will I be beat
May I be beat

You planned a murder Jim
In vain it was your own

John you must have done a deal
With a god/goddess upon a throne
Or was it a Satanist dressed in disguise

Syd oh transpersonal Syd
Where you ever your own/alone

Spawn of divine modalities
Cascade of duality

Celestial ones before me
Celestial beings, celestial composer
My amulets oh amulets

Will I be beat
I feel so beat
Oh celestial ones before
I may always keep
My amulets
Oh amulets


Three Layers

The outer most, lies it is named
The middle layer guilt is it's game
& deep within you find purity free of shame.